Every day in the United States, hundreds of thousands of kids miss school due to fear or intimidation from a bully. Fear of bullying is a major cause of low self-confidence in children. Bullies often act maliciously due to insecurity and seek self-esteem by harassing other children. There is no reason for any child to have these negative experiences which may lead to psychological trauma. While we promote nonviolent resolutions to conflict, the physical confidence gained at Brazilian Top Team- Jupiter Self Defense will lead the student to not be fearful of engaging, if necessary, as a last resort. This is the MOST important concept to bully prevention.

The Jupiter Self Defense Youth Program focuses on the physical, emotional and mental well-being, while educating our children both physically AND intellectually. Our overall goal is to create physical confidence. We assist our students with the development of characteristics and skills they will need in order to live a balanced life. The physical program is interwoven with a character development program that families love. Our students learn respect, courage, athleticism, and patience and most importantly discipline, that will guide them in leading a productive and happy life. Our curriculum integrates self-defense techniques through education using conditioning and skill oriented games aimed at improving coordination, motor skills, agility and flexibility.

Our instructors are trained to always treat children in a positive manner, looking to constantly raise their self-confidence. We’re confident that the curriculum, the camaraderie, and quality of the instruction will exceed all your expectations.

To learn more about our school set up a free introductory class.