A true understanding of our philosophy prepares students by showing them paths to healthiness & most efficient use of physical, mental & spiritual strength. Eating well, taking care of your body, developing the ability to say no to bad vices , keeping close bonds with relatives & friends. At Brazilian Top Team-Jupiter Self Defense you learn more than Jiu Jitsu, you learn a Way of Life.

. The self-confidence you’ll gain from learning 100% self defense techniques will make you less likely to be a target for any attack.

That is priceless!
You don’t have to be in extraordinary shape, or be big and strong, and you don’t need prior martial arts or other athletic ability to derive any benefit. 100% self defense is advantageous in that it works for anyone and everyone. After just one class you will learn techniques that will be used immediately to defend yourself against a possible attack.

“Learn more than just self defense, learn a way of life.”